How do I Reset my Zyxel Password and/or Change my Network Name (From Android Device)?

Updated 6 months ago.

  1. Open any Brower Type in 192. 168.1.1 User: admin Password:1234 click Login If web page asked to save password go ahead
  2. Make sure you are on the "Gears" tab
  3. Click on WIRELESS LAN 2.4G Name (SSID) change router preset name to customized name Uncheck auto create name Preshare Key change router preset password to customized password CLICK APPLY
  4. Wait for router to prompt this message and click ok (since passwords and router SSID changed, you will need to log back in router management see page 1)

  5. Click on WIRELESS LAN 5G Name (SSID) change router preset name to customized name Uncheck auto create name Pre-Shared Key change router preset password to customized password
  6. Wait for router to prompt this message and click ok log on to you new router name congratulation you have successfully changed router name and password