Updated 6 months ago.
Welcome! We are so thrilled to have you as part of the Metronet family. We want to make your journey as our customer as easy as possible. We have a number of resources at your disposal to help you get the most from your Metronet services, including:
Digital Welcome Guide:
Designed to set expectations for the installation process, the Digital Welcome Guide contains tools and resources to help you understand how the process works and what comes next! It also contains links to the many different ways you can connect with Metronet, such as the website, social media, online chat, and more!
Download your copy of the Metronet Digital Welcome Guide HERE.
A Welcome From Metronet’s CEO:
The day after your installation is complete, be on the lookout for a welcome email from John Cinelli, CEO of Metronet. It contains the video below with some helpful information as you begin your Metronet customer journey.
We thank you for choosing Metronet! We look forward to serving you for years to come!