What Kind of Equipment and Wiring Will I Need? Will my Existing Equipment Work With Metronet?

Updated 6 months ago.

If needed, we will contact you to set up an appointment called a “Site Survey” with one of our local technicians. The technician will visit your location and survey what work will be needed to complete the installation and check compatibility of your existing equipment. The technician will also check for outlet availability when TV service is being requested. Additional charges may apply for additional installation services needed. If you’re a business, we request that you contact your phone vendor for any questions regarding the compatibility of your phone system equipment.

  • If your business needs a router, we can provide this to your business for a one-time fee. Our technicians cannot give recommendations nor support on any routers at your business. It is the business owner’s financial responsibility to contact an IT vendor for router support.
  • If a charge card machine or fax machine is required, we recommend that this equipment is installed on a dedicated line. We further recommend that the phone/IT vendor is contacted to check for compatibility with fiber.